Sunday, May 27, 2012


I have the bestest webmaster in the world and to acknowledge the wonderful work she's put into my website I invited Elise and Stephen Kirsten to spend a weekend at Dolphin B&B+S/C to mark their wedding anniversary as well as her birthday which both fall around the same time.
They chose to spend 11-13 May here and weather wise it was great which allowed them to explore locally as well as visit Paternoster, but mainly to chill out and catch up with each other sans their two girls who were being cared for by my dearest friend, Liz. (Judging from the closed eyes, Stephen (sorry about that) you were still half asleep at the breakfast table - but, hey! that's what chilling out's all about!)

I hope you derived as much benefit from the stay here as I have benefited from your IT expertise, Elise.

1 comment:

joy said...

Its amezing conttent so I think mostly people are like it weaves a magic web

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