Sunday, April 13, 2014


I sponsored a prize of two nights' Accommodation and which was won by Franklin van Rooyen for having achieved top detective in the Vredenburg branch of SAPS. However, circumstances were such that he could not take up this booking and instead gave it to family members David and Ilana. What I didn't know when I greeted them this sunday morning was that they had got married yesterday and so spent their honeymoon night at Dolphin B&B+S/C. Congratulations, you two, and long may your commitment and promise to love and cherish endure. Seeing dolphins in the bay is a bonus and bodes well for your future together.


Gino and Anna personify everything I love about Italians: passion for life, a great sense of humour, profound knowledge about so many things and a love of South African wines to boot. Through their exuberance these walk-ins have convinced me that a return trip to Italy is a must and I will definitely take up their offer to advise me where to go/what to see when it comes to fruition. On their last evening at Dolphin B&B+S/C we dined on fried hake and chips from BP Marine, bought in Sandy Point Harbour where they wre able to watch the fisherwomenfolk vlekking the snoek catch of the day. Va' bene, newfound friends, till we meet again.

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Perfect Day

Pastor William (right), from Bethany Christian Church, conducted the marriage ceremony at which Denis' step-brother got married. Here the 2 couples get to know each other over breakfast on the morning of the wedding: Natalie (left) and René (right).

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wesgro helps grow the numbers

Wordbox created this advert. for Wesgro in a drive to market the cetaceans (yes, whales and dolphins to us mere mortals) along our coastline on the western side of SA. I was very proud to have been involved with this initiative and my thanks to Jean-Ellen Scheltema (Wordbox director), Grant Carelse (graphic designer at Wesgro) and Meredith Thornton, senior researcher at Pretoria's Mammal Research Institute for permission to use the visual of a Heaviside's dolphin.